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Shoe-Buying Tips for Athletes

Shoe-Buying Tips for Athletes

Whether you call them tennis shoes, running shoes, or sneakers, it’s important to get the right athletic shoes for you and for the sport you play. Of course, you may not need sneakers. You may need cleats, running shoes, or high-top basketball shoes. 

Whatever you call them or whatever type of shoes you need, it’s essential that they fit well, be comfortable, and provide the support you need. The right athletic footwear is a key factor in injury prevention. The right shoes can also help you perform better. 

Orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist James M. Lee Jr., MD, and his expert team at Orange Orthopaedic Associates help both professional and amateur athletes to improve their performance and reduce their risk of injury. 

Here, we share shoe-buying tips for athletes to help you play your best and minimize your risk of getting injured.

Get the right shoes for each sport

Don’t look to save money by making your athletic shoes accommodate all your sports’ needs. For example, if you play tennis or basketball, you need shoes that support cutting motions. For running, you need lighter weight with extra cushioning. Instead, buy specific shoes for each sport.

Bring your own socks

Bring the socks that you’ll be playing the sport in to ensure a proper and comfortable fit. If you wear orthotics, whether they’re custom-made or store-bought, bring those as well. 

Shop for athletic shoes at the end of the day

Your feet tend to swell after you’ve been on them all day. Similarly, your feet swell and expand while you’re running and playing sports. Trying shoes on when your feet are at their largest ensures a comfortable fit while you’re playing sports.

Try them out in the store

After you try them on, walk around to see how they feel and fit when you move. Some stores have treadmills that you can use. If they do, use them, especially if you plan to run in your athletic shoes. 

Try both shoes on

Don’t be in a rush. If you’re comparing different athletic shoes, try both shoes on for each pair. Sometimes one foot is larger or flatter than the other.

Replace when necessary

Even the best athletic shoes don’t last forever. Through use, they experience wear-and-tear and break down. Old shoes are not as supportive as new shoes.

Are you a professional athlete, an amateur athlete, or a weekend warrior looking for strategies to help you perform better and stronger on the field or court? Or are you looking for rehabilitation help after an injury? 

Call us at Orange Orthopaedic Associates in Bayonne and West Orange, New Jersey, for an appointment or book one online through our website.

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